Payment Plan Weight Loss Surgery & Plastic Surgery (Sydney)

Destination Beauty offers a whole range of plastic surgery procedures in Australia, Sydney.
To receive a personal quote – please complete this form with pictures:

Destination Beauty works with TLC to help you finance the surgery, feel free to apply here:


Weight Loss Surgery in Sydney

Destination Beauty offers a gastric sleeve package in Sydney from $17,950 or approx $110 per week. this includes 2-3 nights in hospital, screening consults and. follow ups.

To receive a quote for weight loss surgery in Sydney, Australia please CLICK HERE and complete the evaluation form.


Plastic Surgery Packages w/payment plan









BR_PW $80pw


Body Lift_PW $140


Belt Lipectomy_PW $140


Tummy Tuck with Lipo_PW


Extended Tummy Tuck with Lipo_PW $120


Extended Tummy Tuck with Lipo and Breast Lift_PW




Breast Augmentation + Abdomen _ Hips Lipo_PW


Breast Augmentation + Thighs Lipo_PW $95


Breast Lift + Arm Lipo_PW


Breast Lift + Abdomen _ Hips Lipo_PW $120


Thigh Lift_PW



Liposuction Thighs_PW $45